In 2010, a 7.0 earthquake devastated the country of Haiti. Hundreds of thousands were killed and millions were effected. Shortly after the earthquake, Voices of Hope Founder-Michelle Mitchell found herself on the ground in Haiti looking into the eyes of men, women, and children looking for hope. 

"I fell in love with the country and the people of Haiti. God began calling me back to Haiti over and over again. I have been blessed to form close friendships with my trusted Haitian team and together we have been working to minister to Haiti in many different ways. I try to use my combined love of music, dance, acting, education, and God to create innovative ministry programs. I believe that building relationships and working along side the Haitian people is the key to sharing God's love and empowering them. After many years of serving in Haiti doing wellness  clinics, children's programs, womens' conferences, food programs and other outreach, I felt called to begin Voices of Hope Ministries in 2015. I love seeing the light in people's eyes when you take time to notice them as God sees them. God wants us to remind others how valuable and treasured they are to His kingdom. No matter how many times I travel to Haiti, God  never ceases to amaze me. I am so small...but God is capable of doing such big things through those who humbly obey His calling. My prayer is that I never stop learning and I never stop loving. God has a plan lined out that I can't yet see, but I want to walk in faith and follow Him. I am so thankful to everyone who has joined us in this journey and I am blessed by each step we take together. "- Michelle