Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere, with 80% of the population living below the poverty line, or less than $1.90 per day*.


Our Mission

Voices of Hope is committed to meeting Haitians in their current situation, giving them hope found in Jesus while working together to create a more sustainable future for themselves and their community.  

BlOOD Pressure & Medical Clinics

In 2018 we established an ongoing blood pressure clinic for two different regions. Every 3 months our staff does blood pressure checks and administers needed medication. We also serve hundreds of Haitians throughout the year by providing them with basic clinical needs that many take for granted. During any given trip our team hosts multiple  half day clinics in various areas throughout southwest Haiti!

Ministering to a woman at our Riviere Froide clinic.

Ministering to a woman at our Riviere Froide clinic.

VOH School Sponsorship Program

In 2018 we launched our sponsorship program in partnership with a local primary school in the countryside of Petit Goave. We have 21 children who are now able to attend school because of these sponsorships. This has become so much more than just someone paying for a child to go to school. We have been able to start building relationships with these families. It has been such a joy to see children start to come out of their shell and see their excitement about learning!

Community Outreach

We love immersing ourselves into the community of our Haitian brothers and sisters. Voices of Hope facilitates children's programs, food programs, door to door evangelism, mobile clinics, athletic programs, and more. 

Summer Camps

Each year we partner with  local orphanages, schools, and churches to host a children’s camp  complete with bible lessons, arts & crafts, recreation games, English lessons, dramas, and music. We facilitate a full 3 day camp and multiple 1/2 day camps. Each summer we see up to 1,000 kids throughout the 10 days. 

Lion masks for Daniel & the Lion's Den

Lion masks for Daniel & the Lion's Den

*Statistics found via CIA World Factbook & UNICEF

Doing laundry with our Haitian friends!

Doing laundry with our Haitian friends!
