and all the people said- AMEN! PRAISE THE LORD!
We are so excited to see God-sized dreams becoming a reality for the small country community in Haiti that we love so much. For the last 4 years, our staff has been ministering in an area off of Route 1. Summer Camps, medical clinics, soccer,basketball,dance camps, bible studies, food programs, sexual health classes, education programs…through all of these outreaches we have built relationships and know community members by name. We would lay awake at night dreaming of a day when we could possibly raise enough money to rebuild a local school where many of the children we knew attended. We would think how powerless we were but how great the the Lord is and how His plan is always so much better than ours. We knew we had to be patient and continue to do what we could, when we could.
We ended our last trip in February with plans to start the building of the school within the next few months. Our staff would be there to oversee the progress at various points. We of course had no idea the world would be hit with a pandemic and our plans would screech to a halt. Our focus became how we could help Haiti during this uncertain time of COVID-19. Our Haitian staff gave the idea of purchasing hand-washing stations to give families. And that’s what we did. Our guys put together the stations and delivered them. It was all we knew to do besides pray.
As time passed and discussions continued, we all agreed that our plans for the school should continue. We wanted to give something to the community to look forward to and to bring hope. With that being said- a crew has begun prepping the ground to lay the foundation of the new school! This building project will be done in phases as we raise money for each phase. We are confident the Lord will provide and we will take it one step at a time!